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A psychotropic describes any drug that affects behavior, mood, thoughts, or perception. It’s an umbrella term for a lot of different drugs, including prescription drugs and commonly misused drugs.

We’ll focus on prescription psychotropics and their uses here.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health data found that in 2018, 47 million adults over age 18 reported a mental health condition.

This is around 1 in 5 adults in the United States. More than 11 million reported serious mental illness.

Mental health and well-being affect our daily lives. Psychotropic medications can be an important part of the tools available to help keep us well.
One of the most controversial subjects in today’s natural health world is that of psychotropic drugs. Also referred to as psychoactive drugs, these medications make up a long list of both legal and illegal substances that affect the way the brain functions, either in an effort to treat a mental illness of some kind or for illicit recreational purposes.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately one in five adults in the U.S. experiences some form of mental illness in a given year. (1) The overwhelmingly common treatment method for these illnesses has become drug therapy first, all other methods second (or not at all).

Why is it controversial? From the research I have done, I think it is due to a combination of a) the complex nature of the development and sale of psychotropic drugs, b) the many dangers of psychotropic drugs and the overall question of whether or not the benefits of these medications outweigh the risks and c) the questionable and possibly unethical financial underpinnings of the pharmaceutical industry with clinicians who treat these illnesses.

See these related articles:

    The Chemical Imbalance Myth
    Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms
    Dangers of Psychotropic Drugs
    Natural Alternatives to Psychiatric Drugs

Making a Killing
The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Psychotropic drugs. It’s the story of big money—drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure. The cost in human terms is even greater—these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. And the death count keeps rising.

Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips the mask off psychiatric drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched moneymaking machine.

 Psychiatry's Drug Push

Since 1952, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)–psychiatry’s billing bible—has grown from a small booklet listing 112 “mental disorders” to a massive volume numbering 886 pages, listing 374 disorders. It is only through this book that psychiatrists can diagnose, drug and bill for services. In fact, the psychiatric industry currently uses the DSM to collect over $72 billion in private and government insurance money.

No one is immune from any of the hundreds of fictitious disorders invented by psychiatrists to serve a multibillion dollar psychiatric drug industry.

 “Side” Effects

Why can’t psychiatrists predict what adverse drug reactions you might experience? Because not one of them knows how their drugs work.

Psychotropic drugs are increasingly being exposed as chemical toxins with the power to kill. Psychiatrists claim their drugs save lives, but according to their own studies, psychotropic drugs can double the risk of suicide. And long‑term use has been proven to create a lifetime of damage, a fact ignored by psychiatrists.

As they spread their deadly and lucrative game deeper and deeper into society, children have become the latest and most tragic casualties.

 Disease Mongering

An apparent flood of mental illness surrounds us.

Where is it coming from? Using their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, psychiatrists can label anyone walking the Earth today as mentally ill. Shyness—a common life situation—is now indexed under the label “Social Anxiety Disorder.”

No matter how huge the psychiatric drugging industry grows, psychiatrists are hard at work inventing new disorders to make it even larger. It’s a pill for every ill—and the public and patients are not being told how dangerous psychiatric drugs really are.

 The Experiment

The complete absence of any scientific tests to confirm a diagnosis does not stop psychiatrists from conducting clinical trials on dangerous drugs.

No lab tests verify or measure any mental disorder. But big money is at stake. Psychiatric drug research is highly subjective and rife with manipulation. It is on the basis of such biased research that psychotropic drugs with potentially fatal side effects are routinely approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panels for a lifetime of use by members of the unsuspecting public.

But the experimentation does not end there. Additional psychotropic drug trials take advantage of the invented disorders in the DSM to rake in even more profits by targeting the most innocent of all—children.

 Peddling to Prescribers

Since psychotropic drugs cannot be legally sold without a prescription, pharmaceutical companies hire psychiatrists to promote them to their fellow prescribers. And with this seal of approval, pharmaceutical companies make billions.

A top academic psychiatrist can also rake in more than a half a million dollars a year from pharmaceutical companies. So psychiatrists enthusiastically promote psychotropic drugs in academic circles and to their peers and sign off on studies they never took part in. These are then published.

Due to this ceaseless promotion by psychiatrists, psychotropic drug prescription has permeated not just psychiatry but the entire medical profession.

Psychiatric Drugging
 Pitching to the Public

Advertising psychotropic drugs on television has been phenomenally successful.

In just the first three years since TV advertising was permitted, sales skyrocketed by two hundred and fifty percent. With grosses hitting record levels, the drug industry is spending $2.9 billion a year in TV advertising alone. Gimmicks such as “patient advocacy groups” and intrusive “assessment tools” add to the client base.

Today, drug companies spend over $5.3 billion a year marketing prescription drugs—almost nine times more than a decade ago.

The result? Worldwide sales of psychotropic drugs have soared to $80 billion per year.

And all the while, psychiatrists willfully ignore the vast human tragedy they have created.

 Get the Facts

Psychiatrists insist you believe their drugs are “safe and effective”—because they are “mental health experts” and you are not. But case after case proves that trusting them can be disastrous.

How does the public become more educated? By insisting on their right to informed consent.

Physicians say these are the facts you need to know:

One: Psychiatric disorders are not actual diseases requiring medical treatment.
Two: There is no scientific proof whatsoever that psychotropic drugs resolve any mental problems.

Three: Psychotropic drugs mask symptoms and have severe short‑ and long‑term effects.

Four: They can cause dependency and addiction.

Five: Most mental problems are caused by an underlying physical illness requiring medical, not psychiatric treatment.

Six: No matter how severe the emotional or psychological distress, many effective options do not require psychotropic drugs.

As modern psychiatry has permeated our world over the last fifty years—so too has psychiatric drugging. But because most non‑drug options are rarely told to patients, true informed consent is almost never given.

There is a way to expose this drugging abuse—by reporting complaints and adverse psychiatric drug reactions to your national drug regulatory agency.

It is only through the reporting of all such adverse reactions that the true scale of the horrors of psychiatric drugging will come to light.

Psychiatrists admit…

“No one knows precisely how these psychiatric medications act.”

“I don’t tell them every side effect because there are so many side effects.”

“For many years we thought we had the tests nailed down, but it turned out they weren’t of any value.”

“You never know if it’s the right drug.”

“Everything is trial and error.”

“You just can’t cure somebody.”